Dolmen Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト
価格: 6,679円
◆タイトル: Dolmen Xbox One & Series X◆現地発売日: 2022/05/20◆レーティング(ESRB): RP・輸入版ソフトはメーカーによる国内サポートの対象外です。当店で実機での動作確認等を行っておりませんので、ご自身でコンテンツや互換性にご留意の上お買い求めください。 ・パッケージ左下に「M」と記載されたタイトルは、北米レーティング(MSRB)において対象年齢17歳以上とされており、相当する表現が含まれています。Dolmen Xbox One & Series X 北米版 輸入版 ソフト※商品画像はイメージです。デザインの変更等により、実物とは差異がある場合があります。 ※注文後30分間は注文履歴からキャンセルが可能です。当店で注文を確認した後は原則キャンセル不可となります。予めご了承ください。Dolmen is a terrifying new action RPG that combines futuristic Sci-Fi and Cosmic Horror elements. Will your timeline be erased, or will you defeat your enemies to survive and fulfill your mission? Dolmen casts players onto a hostile alien world known as Revion Prime. Your job? Bring back samples of a crystal with particularly unique properties; the so-called Dolmen. These crystals are capable of allowing interaction between realities, revolutionizing space exploration and changing the known world forever. DYNAMIC COMBAT – Grow stronger with each battle! Experience a rich combat system with various weapons and moves at your disposal. Switch natively between melee and ranged combat to overcome the most challenging enemies Revion Prime has to offer. ENERGY MODE – Energy management is key to victory in Dolmen. Energy is not only used for ranged weapons, but also for activating Energy Mode. Energy Mode imbues your melee weapons with elemental status effects, letting you take full advantage of your enemy’s weaknesses. DISCOVER A MYSTERIOUS PLANET – A devastated, darkly beautiful world is waiting to be explored. Will you find all the secrets that Revion Prime has to offer? Or will this cruel world push you to the brink of death? ENCOUNTER GRUESOME BOSSES – Revion Prime offers a wide array of gruesome obstacles that will put your skills to the test.